
Howard, Hsiao(蕭昀豪)
Python and C++ Software engineer
Hello, and welcome to my website, I'm Howard but fondly known as either Hsiao or "Yun". I'm currently majoring in Information Management at National Taiwan University. I'm a software engineer and quite familiar with Python, C++, among others. To know more about my programming language skills, feel free to check out my github profile.
- Birthday: 6 March 1999
- Website: Howard-Hsiao.github.io Age: 21
- University: National Taiwan University
- Major: Information Management
- Freelance: Available
- Chiniese(Native)
- English
- TOEIC 765, 2017
- GEPT High-intermediate first stage, 2016
Programming Language
- C++ | Python
- HTML | CSS | JavaScript
Programming Knowledge
- Data Structure
- Algorithm
- Networks
- Database Management
- Computer Security
- Operations Research
Howard, Hsiao
Highly motivated software engineer, eager to support the dev team with excellent coding skills. Developed 3+ projects on Github.
Cooperative design thinking coach, invited by NTUIB, NCHU, and NTUIM to run workshops.
B.B.A. in Information Management
2017 - 2021
National Taiwan University, Taipei
- Overall GPA: 3.88
- Ranking top 20% every academic year
TCP client-server communication system in C++
- Use C++ to build a TCP client-server communication system
- Implement self-defined protocol on the application layer to ensure reliable data transferring
- Use thread pool technique in server program to handle multiple requests from clients
Computer Security
- Attend 2019 Advanced Information Security - Summer School, Jul.2019 - Aug.2019
- Get 47th place out of 692 teams with my partners in 2019 watever CTF, Dec.2019
- Participate in the first stage of 2019 AIS3 EOF CTF, Jan. 2020
National Taiwan University Presentation Contest 6th
- Enter the final stage, where only 12 people are selected, Dec.2018
Design Thinking
- Invited as a coach of design thinking workshop by theNTU International Business Camp, Jan. 2019
- Invited as a coach of design thinking workshop by theHealth and Counseling Center of National Chung Hsing University, Nov. 2018
- Invited as the lecturer of design thinking in theNTU Information Management Camp, Jul. 2019
- Attend the NTU d.thinking club, Mar 2018 - Feb 2019
Career Diary Campaign, held by the City Wanderer
Jul.2019 - Aug.2019
- Conquer a series of challenges, including "free hugs", "bartering with strangers in face"
- Experience the lives of various occupations, e.g. salesperson of Cathay Life Insurance Co.,Ltd.
- Do interviews with the influential people, e.g. the founder of Zashare, Ozzie SU
Other Activities
- Selected for the first stage of the "CEO for One Month" program of Adecco, May 2019
- Attend the NTU student association, and set up an exhibition about gender friendliness, Sep 2018 - Feb 2019
- Attend the artistic design department of the NTU mental club, Sep 2017 - Jun 2018
Activity Gallery
These are the pictures recording my memory.
- All
- Design Thinking
- Career Diary
- Security
- other
- Video